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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Brough Superior reviews, price, wallpapers, pictures and more.

Brough Superior reviews, price, wallpapers, pictures and more.

Mark Upham CEO of Brough Superior Motorcycles Ltd is delighted to announce the firm will be contesting Bonneville Speed Week next year with a new machine based on the existing 1927 SS100 Pendine model which was first unveiled at Pebble Beach in August 2009. The machine will be known as the Brough Superior SS100 Retroit will be running on pump fuel un-streamlined. Design style and construction will be the direct responsibility of Alistair Gibson formerly chief mechanic for Honda Formula Oneand lifelong 2-wheel enthusiast.

After a quarter century working for several Champions in F1 Alistair now works from his own design studio near Oxford. “When Mark approached me with the idea of a “Retro” machine for Bonneville I was immediately fired up I know the extent of the challenge having previously been deeply involved on the salt in 2006 with the Honda F1 car that broke the existing record for the category!”

You may remember, a couple of years ago, I wrote about Cameron Racing Engines, a British firm rebuilding old J.A. Prestwich engines. At the same time, we found a new firm in the process of restarting the Brough Superior marque, building brand new JAP powered motorcycles with the Brough Superior name. I'd forgotten about the startup company until I was looking over a brochure for the upcoming Pebble Beach motorcycle auction, August 14-16, and noticed that, 2 original 1939 Broughs will be auctioned, but more interesting, it will be the American debut of the brand new 2009 Brough Superior. Two bikes will be on display and for sale while deposits will be accepted for brand new built to order machines.

As the mighty Brough Superiors amass more birthdays they are becoming exceedingly rare and, as goes the scenario, more pricey. It makes the possibility of throwing one of the original beasts down the pavement, grinding down the precious hand-crafted metal and sand cast engine covers, a near sacrilege.

Brough Superior, the Rolls Royce of motorcycle world never fails to attract interest. European auctioner H&H set a new record for sale of a 1929 Brough Superior SS100 at The Haynes International Motor Museum. The bike became the world’s most expensive motorcycle with its price tag of $455,400. The machine was one of the fastest in its time, it was guaranteed to be able to reach the magic 100mph mark. The SS100 features an overhead valve 1000cc V-twin engine which delivers 45hp.1929 saw 29 SS100s produced in Pendine and Grand Alpine form with the option of the B and D sprung frame and the three speed “super heavyweight” gearbox, although a few are believed to have been built with the standard unit.

1929 also saw the introduction of the new dual headlight, as fitted to the machine offered, although not all the 1929 SS100s were so equipped. The beautiful example offered was purchased by the vendor as a complete, original machine in need of a complete restoration. It was restored between 2000 and 2001 and has subsequently been used extensively travelling to Scotland, Spain, France, Austria and Italy.

The SS100 model was ridden at 100 miles per hour or over before being delivered to the customer. The SS80 model was ridden at 80 miles per hour or over before being delivered. If any motorcycle failed to meet the specifications, the motorcycle was taken back to the shop and worked upon until it performed to the specifications of the particular model. The fit and finish was comparable to a Rolls-Royce automobile. These were some of the most expensive motorcycles in the world.

Brough Superior motorcycles have always been rare and expensive. They are some of the most desirable antique motorcycles for an enthusiast to collect. Because of their connection with Lawrence of Arabia, their extremely well fit and finish, their reputatation for reliability and winning races, and along with their boast of being the Rolls Royce of Motor Cycles they are one of the most collectible of all the worlds' vehicles.

So, what do you do if you are determined to obtain that romantic notion of piloting a powerful Brough at speed? You contact Brough Superior Motorcycles LTD, in Austria. The company is producing the Brough Superior anew. True to the original workings, crafted from what they refer to as "new metal," you can have a new Brough built for you. They aren't cheap, but they're considerably less than trying to obtain one of the original machines at auction these days.

Every now and then something special comes up for sale and, in my book, this qualifies, a 1939 Brough Superior SS100. Fully restored, it looks about as fine as they come. The best part is it's ready to ride, not just display. Bikes like these should be exercised now and then, it's what they were built for.The buy it now price is $250,000 but the owner says the reserve is lower so who knows what it will take to put this bike in your collection. These so seldom come up for sale, it should attract a lot of interest. This should be fun to watch.


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